2016 Community BBQ
We had a fabulous time at our community BBQ get together. We were so glad that all of you were able to come. Thank you for going the...
2016 Monthly Rent
Rent for Mill Hollow Community Residents: Rent: $267.00 Water: $8.00 Sewer: $27.00 Total: $302.00 Rent is due on the 1st, payable until...
Save a click
To save you some clicks, the monthly rent will now be sent directly to your email instead of posted here. If there are any problems...

Spring Clean-up Competition Winners!!!
WHEW! What a hard decision! I am so glad the owner made this decision and not me! The winners of the $100 gift cards go to...... *drum...

Spring Clean-up Competition Entries
Thank you to everyone that submitted an entry into our Spring Clean-up Competition! We LOVE to see all the great improvements being done...
Win $100 competition! & June Rent
June Rent for Mill Hollow Community Residents: Rent: $260.00 Water: $8.00 Sewer: $27.00 Total: $295.00 Rent is due on the 1st, payable...

Community BBQ pictures 2015
Thanks to everyone that came out to our community bbq! Click on this post for more pictures!
May Rent and Reminders
May Rent for Mill Hollow Community Residents: Rent: $260.00 Water: $8.00 Sewer: $27.00 Total: $295.00 Rent is due on the 1st, payable...

Spring Letter and April Rent
HAPPY SPRING! Dear Residents; Please note the following dates: March 30 - April 1st – Weed-man is scheduled to spray lawns and trees....
There is a company called Energy Experts knocking on doors in our community for the next few days. THEY ARE NOT SOLICITORS! They are...