Fire Alarm Installment
We are working with the Red Cross to get fire alarms into every home and discuss some fire safety. If you already have fire alarms but...

Winter Safety Reminder
More fires happen in the winter months than any other time of the year. During the cold months, we spend more time indoors and use...
2018 Green Container & Recycling Schedule
Don't forget that green trash cans are bi-weekly for trash pick-up and black trash cans are weekly. Recycling goes out the same time as...
Winter Is Here
With the snow coming we would like to send a friendly reminder that cars are not to be parked on the road. We are on a schedule for snow...
Utilities Changes
Sewer and water charges are being adjusted due to the amount we as a park have been using. It has increased because of our usage....
Construction Update
The barricades will be lifted tomorrow morning at 7:00am. We will need all the cars moved off of Lilac, Bluebell, and Holly before...

Bus Schedule During Construction
Here is the bus schedule for the 5th and the 6th. Sorry I did not have this information on the information sheets we passed around. I do...
UPDATE on Road Work!
What is being done: Friday September 1st ·The cracks will be sealed. This will take all day. ·There may be a chance when you cannot park...
We will be having the roads sealed THIS Friday Sept 1st. The roads need to be water free and vehicle free. We are asking that everyone...
Eclipse Week in Mill Hollow
Eclipse Week in Mill Hollow We have been told to expect unauthorized parking from visitors. Beginning Wednesday, August 16th we will have...