September Rent
September 2014 Rent for Mill Hollow Community Residents: Monthly Lot Rent: $246.00 Monthly Water Fee: $8.00 Monthly Sewer Fee: $27.00...
Where is the community manager?!
Believe it or not, Lexie had her baby and will be in the office Tuesday and Thursday but now Emily is on maternity leave so the office...
August Rent is due on the first!
August 2014 Rent for Mill Hollow Community Residents: Monthly Lot Rent: $246.00 Monthly Water Fee: $8.00 Monthly Sewer Fee: $27.00 Total:...
We have a major pipe broken in the Lupine cul-de-sac. As a last resort we had to turn off the water to the entire park. The plumber...

July Rent
July 2014 Rent for Mill Hollow Community Residents: Monthly Lot Rent: $246.00 Monthly Water Fee: $7.00 Monthly Sewer Fee: $27.00 Total:...

Rent due on the First!
June 2014 Rent for Mill Hollow Community Residents: Monthly Lot Rent: $246.00 Monthly Water Fee: $8.00 Monthly Sewer Fee: $27.00 Total:...

Community BBQ Pictures and Review
Thanks to everyone that came out to our Community BBQ! A special thank you to the local businesses around town that donated our prizes:...

Community BBQ!!
5/9/14 COMMUNITY BBQ!!! We are so very excited about our community BBQ next weekend! It will be Saturday, May 17th in the community...

Community information
5/2/14 *Playground rocks- please please please, help us keep rocks in the bordered playground area so that it does not harm our mower....

Help Wanted!
4/21/14 Management Now Hiring! Mill Hollow Community is in need of a new Maintenance Employee! [if !supportLists]· [endif]The job...