Spring Letter and April Rent

Dear Residents;
Please note the following dates:
March 30 - April 1st – Weed-man is scheduled to spray lawns and trees. (Leave gates unlocked and let me know if you DO NOT want yours sprayed)
April 18th - Back by popular demand! Our 2nd annual Community BBQ! Food, friends, and fun from 11-2 pm.
June 1st - Last day of Spring Clean-up Competition- 4 people will win $100 gift cards to Walmart!
Spring Clean up! We will be doing Spring Inspections through April so please clean up your lot as the snow melts. Use the bullet points on the back to help guide your efforts.
We would also like to bring back our Spring Clean-Up Competition. We all do our best to make the community look great but there are always a certain few neighbors that go above and beyond to improve their home and yard. These efforts do not go unnoticed and we would like to show our appreciation. We have four $100 gift cards to Walmart. Two for the Most Improved and two for the Best Kept lots. The competition will go until June 1st to give you two months to paint or plant to your best ability! Don’t let these go unclaimed!
MOST IMPROVED lot- includes remodeling outside of the home and yard. Please submit a before and after picture by June 1st for them to be judged objectively. (Don’t forget to take the “before” picture!!)
BEST KEPT yard- this neighbor never lets a single weed grow! They do not have room to improve but we still want to applaud and appreciate their work. We will keep our eyes peeled but if you have a recommendation, we are all ears.
To help with your yard care we will have curb-side pickup for your bagged leaves and cut and bundled branches. Pick-up days are every other week on the Friday and Saturday following Thursday city trash pick-up. A list of these dates are on a previous post below this one. For large yard projects please schedule to have the yard waste trailer with Michelle (623) 698-4854. We do not pick up construction materials of any kind.
Pet owners; please remember that your pet should never be outside without you. If your pet has a tendency to escape, make sure it is on a leash or chain. Loose animals causing problems will be taken to the animal shelter as they are breaking community rules. Unattended and loose dogs are a violation of the pet rules and you risk losing that privilege.
Spring Clean- Up Reminders:
Cats and Dogs- Clean up any pet waste in your yards missed throughout winter.
Parking on yard area: Please do not park on the yard areas. This will prevent ruts forming in the grass; also the packing down of the grass destroys and retards growth. Areas which have been already damaged must be repaired by the Resident immediately.
Yard care: Lawns should be mowed weekly and trimmed bi-monthly in accordance with the rental agreement. If you are in need of assistance with your yard care, please contact the office (356-3326) and we can refer you to someone.
Park Maintenance: We will be trimming trees again this spring. If you have any questions or requests regarding those located on your lot please let me know.
Porches, Steps: All (new or old) porches and steps should be painted or a colored wood stain applied to match the home. Please do this as weather permits no later than June 1, 2015.
Painting: Any skirting or siding which has been water stained or rust stained should be repainted. Please be sure that all trim around your home is painted a uniform color. This should be completed no later than June 1, 2015.
Storage To be in compliance with the rental agreement, all items should be stored in a storage shed. This includes boxes, lumber, appliances, etc. Wood piles should be stacked at the rear of the home. Please start cleaning up the lots, porches, or carports from garbage, tarps, or anything that would distract from a pleasing appearance.
Vehicles: Any vehicle that is in-operable should be removed from the rental lots. See the rental agreement for clarification on this rule.
Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or helpful ideas.
Emily Perkes
April Rent for Mill Hollow Community Residents:
Monthly Lot Rent: $246.00
Monthly Water Fee: $8.00
Monthly Sewer Fee: $27.00
Total: $281.00
Rent is due on the first, payable by the 5th. A $15.00 late fee is charged on any remaining balance after the 5th.